Online Academy for Social Art

As the World Social Initiative Forum rededicates itself to focusing on Anthroposophy-in-Dialogue, we are very excited to announce the launch of a new online academy! 

The Online Academy for Social Art (OASA) based in South Africa aims to build an inter-institutional network of partners interested to promote and practice such multifaceted dialogues.

The OASA Program intends to include:

  • A variety of modules in which the practice of anthroposophical disciplines will be explored out of the lived experience and understanding of the participants. These will include self-development through the medium of art, contemplative practice, meditation, child and nature observation, understanding children with special needs, authentic leadership development, and more. Modules will be offered in six weekly sessions, making these manageable commitment for busy lives. 

  • Monthly Wisdom Working presentation followed by several weeks of “collaboratory” presencing groups. These online group calls provide an opportunity to practice the social art, sinking deeper into the qualities of Human Beingness which each presenter brings in their presentation.

  • Individual interviews with Practitioners working within anthroposophically inspired vocations.

  • Colloquia presenting research findings within Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science.

We trust that this digital platform will enable individuals to join from many parts of Africa, as well as people from all over the world. This may be from their homes or by forming institutional hubs to further collegial conversations.

Though the online academy has already started, you can still register here!

To know more about OASA’s upcoming modules, contact Khalil at khalilrossouw@icloud.com

Visit their websites to learn more about Lisa Romero and Joan Sleigh